
Black Ice.

Who's house are you haunting tonight?

It's one of those nights - you look out the window and there's not a star in the sky. Outside, everything is still. Everyone - everything - is asleep. You're here, under the cold white lights of an empty room and you've absolutely no one to talk to.

What's ironic is that while you have a million thoughts swirling in your head, you have absolutely no idea how to put them into words, how to tell anyone anything you're feeling - and so while this silence can be comforting, it is at the very same time incredibly frustrating.

You turn to books, to hot drinks under a slow moving fan - and none of it helps. You try to fall asleep, but sleep just won't come to you. No, not tonight at least.

So what do you do?

I have no clue.

No clue at all.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 12:43 AM 0 comment(s)