

"Hocus pocus".

This world needs a little more magic, don't you think?

It seems like everything can be explained away, and that's not right. There should be some things that defy explanation, that don't warrant it. Some magic. Like looking up at the clouds and wondering what lies behind them, but never knowing. Like jumping into a pool of water and feeling like you've crossed into another world.

Science has made the world, and life, so... Certain. Like there's an explanation for everything. But that shouldn't be the way it is, there should be more mystery to it. And behind the mystery, a simple sense of awe and wonder. A simple sense of magic. Children see the world that way: they see magic all around them, and as they grow they lose that view, because of all our textbooks, the Internet, what have you. The magic is simply lost, and that's just sad.

At least, so it is to me.

Some may say that "magic" I'm looking for is simply some form of "ignorance". I disagree - but I can't quite explain the difference, despite the fact that I feel they are two very different things. I suppose I'll have to leave it to you to define it, whichever way you like.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 3:15 PM 0 comment(s)  


I can't believe it's May already. Having been so occupied with work, I didn't notice the passage of time. I've still a lot of work to do, but hopefully everything I'm working on will be up and running smoothly by the end of the month. I've got my fingers crossed.

So what else is new?

My family recently sold off our Kelisa. I was beginning to be quite fond of that car, but it was causing quite a few problems, and selling it was the best thing we could do. The good news is: I got myself a new car after. Quite happy that I've got something under my name again, something that's mine.

I still miss the old Satria though. It's been... Four years now? At least, I think it's been four years since I lost that car in a terrible (and traumatic) accident. One has to wonder when I'll actually put it behind me and stop feeling envious of other Satria drivers.

I guess that;s always been one of my problems: I've always found it very hard to let go. What's troubling is that I've got quite a few things to actually let go, and I don't think I'm making any progress. I don't really know HOW to make progress.

How does everyone else do it? I could use a few tips.

I recently started reading Neil Gaiman's "American Gods". Would you believe me if I told you that this is the first of his works that I've read? I'm enjoying it so far. It's been a while since I read some fantasy-fiction, and it's a welcome change from the likes of Dostoevsky and Turgenev.

Did I mention I have about 15 books on my shelf, waiting to be read? I really need to learn to take some time off and catch up on my reading.

It's a welcome distraction.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 3:58 PM 0 comment(s)