

Alright, I think I'll stick to this layout for a while. I think it's rather neat.
Not as nice as the blue template I was using earlier though. But what the heck.

Since I'm done editing the templates and I've ironed out all the bugs... I guess I'll unlock the blog D:

Yea, I locked it because I didn't want anyone to read a half done blog o_o
One thing about this template though... the titles of the posts kinda look like they're continuing from the latest posts. Get what I mean? At the end of this post you're gonna read "Layout Change", and it's gonna seem like it's a part of this post. Annoying, but I'm too lazy to fix it. Get used to it.

Rawr. o_o

Edit: Why is the last message on my chatterbox from April?? o_o Dangit.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 1:11 PM  

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