

One month to go before I'm back in class.
It'll be my last semester under the diploma program. After that, whether I'll stay on in HELP or go off somewhere else remains to be seen.

Feels like it was just yesterday when I took my first step into life as a college student. Miss Chia's class, with Amir and Wai Keong sitting next to me. Back then I was never close to Weng Chi or any of the guys (with the exception of Amir). Looking back, the girls weren't even a part of my life yet.

Wow. It's been almost two and a half years since. Look at where I am now. It's been a rough ride, and there's a long way to go left. I'm tired and worn out, but hey - these feet of mine haven't fallen apart. Not yet anyway.

I've got a lot on my head right now, and I'm not sure what to post here or how to post it. I guess I need a little bit of time to gain perspective and composure on these things fluttering about in my mind.

Nice guys finish last.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 3:42 PM  

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