
The Day Before Tomorrow.

Well, Saturday's classes came and went, and I have to say: wasn't all too bad. It was as quiet as it could get in class, due to there being only two other familiar faces: Collin and Thilagan. Realise that I said "as quiet as it could get", meaning it did have its moments. One particular moment practically brought me to a tear or two. Here's what happened:-

Lecturer: So you'll need this textbook that textbook blabla---
Collin: Sir, I have that.
Lecturer: What edition?
Collin: Can't remember... 1999 I think.
Lecturer: Oh I think you'd better buy the new one. Now we're using the 2005 edition which has blablabla---

Thilagan, who was all the while writing down stuff, just slammed his pen on the table and gave me a bloody frustrated look, while uttering the words: "Fucker has been here too long la dey."

Thinking of it now gives me laughs. Granted, it might not even be funny if you read it here like this. Which in all respect means: your loss.

On a side note, my Spongebob plushie (which I actually call Sponggeh Bobbeh, thanks to Ila. The name just stuck) is way out of shape. Though in being so, it's now far more comfortable to hug (at least, in my opinion). Of course, that being said... there's nothing more creepy than a twenty-two year old hugging a large yellow plushie in a car.


Nothing other than this of course.
You sure you want to click that? Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 5:14 PM  

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