

It's the morning of Raya, and I'm stuck here working on my assignment. I'll be off to work later, so that's about my plans for today. A little sad that I can't spend time with my family today, but I guess I can't take time off from my responsibilities - not today at least.

Ah well.

I'd like to take this time to wish everyone a Selamat Hari Raya. I apologise if I've ever hurt anyone (unintentionally of course. If I intended to hurt you than I wouldn't apologise for it) with my asshole-ism. If you don't like my apology, you can screw yourself. :D

Ok, no. Seriously.

Well... yea, that was serious enough. Assholeness: +1.

Hope everyone has a good time :)

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 11:45 PM  

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