

I want a Chocobo. Or a Chocobo plushie.

Was just thinking of the game Final Fantasy 7 (old and incredible game), when the image of an overgrown yellow chicken came to mind (the Chocobo, duh).
Chocobos have been a part of every single Final Fantasy universe, and I'm thankful for that! What Final Fantasy game would be complete without the occasional "kweh!"? Hahaha!

For those of you that don't know, "kweh" is the sound a Chocobo makes. It's cute, trust me.

And then the games Chocobo's Dungeon and Chocobo Racing came to mind. Oh gosh, I played those games when I was so much younger. I loved exploring and looking for treasure in Chocobo's Dungeon, and I sure as hell loved racing and casting all sorts of spells on my opponents in Chocobo Racing.

Great games.

I want a Chocobo plushie :(
I'd put it in my car and bring it to bed with me. Seriously. I'm probably too old to sleep with it (also, seems a little creepy, no?), but what the heck.

I want a Chocobo plushie.

HAHAHAHA. I love them Chocobos.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 10:08 AM  

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