
Between Here And There.

I found her sitting comfortably in an open field - she wore a colourful, floral-patterned dress. Her hair billowed in the wind - it was a beautiful golden brown that captured the very essence of the morning Sun.

I knelt behind her, my hands firmly placed on her shoulders. Her skin was soft, flawless. The sweet, fragrant air about her made my senses dance, and I was filled with joy.

She turned and greeted me with a smile - a smile so beautiful that for a moment, I thought I'd died and was before the great gates of Heaven. Her eyes were warm and inviting - a thousand different pictures hidden behind them. And when she opened her mouth to speak, I knew then that there were a thousand stories behind it all.

All I wanted to do was listen. Her voice was like a breeze through a quiet forest - soft, soothing. She told me stories of the Hidden Rainbows, of the Shining Stars, and of the Singing Hills. I listened, and listened - with my head resting on her lap, her fingers running through my hair. I did die, and yes... I believed I was in Heaven.

She leaned forward, and kissed my forehead. She smiled again, and told me our time was at an end. At an end. She began to fade - I cried and begged her to stay a little longer, but our time wasn't our own. She held me, my eyes were closed in her comforting embrace. And then she was gone.

I opened my eyes to find myself lying alone, between the four walls of my bedroom.

A dream.

Just a dream.

It was a wonderful dream.

I slept well. So well.

And now I miss her.

I miss her.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 4:23 AM  

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