Watch my face, as I pretend to feel no pain
Mother nature seems to have spent the day channeling my emotions through the weather. The sky's been a grey since I woke up this morning, and it was even raining for a long while earlier. The rain was perfect - not so heavy that it's almost depressing, not so light that it's barely noticeable.
I'm not feeling well, unfortunately - I'm forced to skip this year's Relay for Life. Next year then, maybe?
Today seems to have come and gone like any other day. It's usually just a little different. Not that I'm complaining - I had a good time last night surrounded by some of my closest friends, and right now I'm about to end the night with a good book and some hot Milo.
Oh, and that little quote up there? A line from John Mayer's last album, "Battle Studies". It's been playing the whole day, and it's kept me singing through a fever and a severe cold.
Also, thanks for keeping me company today. You know who you are.
Till next time, goodnight twenty three - hello twenty four.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
10:22 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering - these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for.
- John Keating, The Dead Poets Society
Well said.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
6:49 PM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ah, she looked into your eyesAnd saw what lay beneath.
Don't try to save yourself - the circle is complete.
Fading gently, soaking through.
Starting not to show at all.
When they take everything away, hold your colours against the wall.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
9:08 PM
Stage One.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Absolutely love
this. Reminds me so much of the games I used to play with my brothers, when we were oh-so-very young. Awesome stuff.
Edit: Decided to remove the embedded video, and put it down as a link instead. Makes this post look a little more pleasant to my eyes.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
8:38 PM

This strip is pure awesome. Used to annoy people the very same way.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
8:26 PM
What are the mornings, if not just a break between the nights? The afternoons, and the evenings too.
The nights are almost always the quietest, almost always the loneliest - the nights are almost always the worst.
But sometimes, when the right pieces fall into place - the nights will almost always be the best, and it is then that the nights never quite seem long enough.
I'm just waiting for that last piece to fall into place tonight. How are you tonight?
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
9:12 PM
... Many live because they are afraid to die, as many die because they are afraid to live.
Maybe it's time you acknowledged the possibility that he doesn't want to be here anymore. That he's fed up with what he's become, and for his pride, he's willing to leave her, to leave you, to leave me, to leave
us - so that he need not go through another day as he is.
He knows what he's doing. You can argue about how he's not himself, that he's completely unaware of his own actions, but I don't believe it. Not one bit. I know, deep down - he knows exactly what he's doing. And when you patronise him - the way you've done over the past few months - you belittle his mind, his soul, and his pride. And when you get mad, you make him feel worse for being a burden on you.
He knows.
Maybe you have acknowledged this possibility. Maybe you just couldn't bring yourself to say it, because you're afraid of being right. I saw in your eyes the look of disbelief when I mentioned it, and you wonder how I could bring myself to say it. I say it because from here on out, if the right steps are taken - it might just make things easier on all of us in the long run.
It wasn't an easy thing for me to put out in the open. He's family too, and I love him. Please, trust me when I say: it hurt me as much as it did you to say what I said.
Maybe more.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
11:34 PM
Habis sudah rangkai kata, telah terungkap semua yang ku rasa.
Warm lights, a cool breeze. A little music, friendly faces. One table, two seats - a cup of coffee, or tea, and you for company. I'm up for it. Are you?
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
11:14 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Biarlah diriku memendam rasa ini, jauh di lubuk hatiku.
I recently started listening to another Indonesian jazz/pop band. With Maliq & D'Essentials promoting the band - Soulvibe - I thought to myself, "What have I to lose by listening to them?". Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Their first single, "Arti Hadirmu", took me in instantly, and it wasn't till I listened to the song "Cinta Masih" that I decided I needed more of their music.
I have to say, so far so good. They have a number of really good songs, and anyone who enjoys listening to Maliq & D'Essentials will easily fall for Soulvibe. Highly recommended, for all the fans of Indonesia's brand of jazz/pop music.
For those of you who like "Untitled" by Maliq & D'Essentials, here's a song by Soulvibe that shares a somewhat similar feel:-
My attempts at embedding the video failed, as the parameters can't be changed to fit the layout of my blog (unfortunately), so you'll have to make do with a link.
I hope you enjoy it.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
1:32 AM
Take another shot of courage; Wonder why the right words never come.
The blood is no longer at a boil, and these fists have ceased their trembling ways. I can almost feel the cool air against my face, above my shoulders - almost.
I'm caught listening to music from another generation - a different time, yet it remains relevant to me, today.
"Someone should send you a rose, with love from a friend - nice to hear from you again" - I'd love this. It'd make my night, my week maybe. I can't help but be drawn into the song - I'm lonely, and for tonight it's my only company. She's right there, but I can't quite muster the strength to tell her simply, "Hi". Times like these, I'm usually the one to make the approach, and I'm also usually the one turned down. I'm afraid, too afraid. I don't want to be disappointed, as has been the case so many times before, and which has been the case these past two or three weeks. Every little thing gets turned around, and there's no longer any warmth between us. We can't relate to one another, and I suppose that's the saddest thing.
So I keep to myself, not fighting the silence. It's better to stay quiet, than to speak a word or two and turn myself to ruin.
I can't bear her words, her actions anymore. To assure myself, I could easily say "I won't", but there's little truth in that - ultimately, I just can't.
Some nights, I wish I never grew to be so attached to you. This is just one of those nights.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
10:57 PM
Aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan; terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa.Aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti; lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini.
Some nights just aren't worth the time, or the effort. Some nights, it's better to be dead to the world, chained to a dream or two - it's just too much to take in, too much to think through.
I hope sleep finds me soon enough - I haven't the energy to play the Seeker much longer.
Aku mencari impian, bukan alasan.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind
2:22 AM