Seconds to Sundown.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
As some of you may know, I was fairly active in writing, constantly pushing myself to create stories that told of many things.
I've been on a terribly long break from it, and frankly I fear whatever possible "talent" I had before has gone up and left. Frightening prospect! Especially since I truly enjoyed putting myself in the position of a story teller - my every word dictating the universe of which I had created.
Even though I've not done it in so long, I have had many different stories come and go through my mind. However, one particular story has been stuck in my mind for the better part of these past few months. Which is what this post is generally about - I have decided to write it out, and post it here.
I have everything thought out - the beginning, the end, the journey between these two points in time. And I will post them here, part by part - I don't know if any of you will enjoy it. If it's not your type (or if my writing style is just not up to your standards, which is highly possible), then you can just skip these posts - all will be titled appropriately to inform you of its content.
I hope you will take the time to post comments (if you read the story), and give me tips on how I should improve myself, so that I may use them in the coming updates. Praise is welcome too >_> (Haha.)
Enjoy :P
11 Seconds to Sundown
At long last, he felt it. He had found the one thing he wanted; the one thing he needed. He clenched his fists, then… sorely held his hands over his chest, as his heart pounded. Fatigue overran his body – his legs were heavy, his head light and spinning.
Understand that this is only the introduction, a setup for things to come. Which gives a little explanation as to why it's fairly short. Haha. Bear with me.
It's been sometime, and I've grown fairly attached to someone. Only recently did I realize something: I may be in love with her.
It's not just a crush, like what I had for the girl before her.
This is... different. To the point where it's keeping me in a confused state of mind.
I don't really know what I'm feeling.
I'd like to express myself, but I'm hindered by someone.
You see, before I realized I had these feelings... someone had already expressed to me of his interest in her. Naturally, it wouldn't be right for me to try anything - he decided to pursue her first, and so it shall be. I'm not about to jump in and try my luck - not while he's still trying his.
I guess all I can do now is wait. If she rejects him, and he moves on... then I'll confess. Otherwise... the words are going to be kept in me, till the appropriate chance shows... or till I forget these words ever existed.
Oh well.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 2:38 PM