

Tagged by Gillian. Hmm.

My Perfect Lover (Cheesy? Indeed.)
1. The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.

Rules? Haha.

1- She should be shorter than me. I'm afraid of people who're taller than me. :(
2- She should share my interests in music, or at least tolerate what I listen to.
3- I'd like her to be manja with me xD Haha.
4- She must be able to mix and mingle with my group of friends. If she can't... then she's not the right one.
5- She shouldn't be too materialistic.
6- She has to be tolerative of my gaming obsessions >_>
7- She should be able to laugh at herself (taking a joke or two about her).
8- She shouldn't have to try hard to be perfect, because she's already perfect in my eyes :D

I have an extra one. It's the core aspect of my "perfect" lover.

9- She's got to have a beautiful smile.

Haha. That's about it. Now, who should I tag? Well, aside from those that Gillian has already tagged...
- Azam. Bitch do it. Just for laughs. Nut.
- Collin. Bitch. Do it. Just for laughs and shits. Portuguese nut.
- Guna. Basket. Do it. Post in the comments section or something. Lol.
- Syazna D: Please? @_@

That's about it.
Working on chapter 2. Quite a long one, lots of dialogue >_<

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 8:52 PM  

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