Grey Blue Eyes.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
We look to different people for different needs. Some we look to as merely partners in our quest for fun and ease. Some others when we need to hear the blatant truth about any situation. Some when we need to share a secret, and some when we just want to be alone - to forget the world.
How do you know how much you're worth?
Day in, day out, we push ourselves to please those we are close to. Those we feel comfortable around, those we can be ourselves with. Those who we hold with regard, higher than anyone else we might know. We strive - in our speech and actions - to show them how much we appreciate them.
Because they're worth so much to us.
But what if that appreciation isn't returned? What if we don't see any acknowledgment for our efforts? Then how do we justify their worth to us? And worse still... how do we justify our worth to them? Do we keep ourselves quiet and continue with what we were doing, or do we step up and explain our feelings? Situations differ. Solutions differ. When faced with such a delicate issue, what's right and wrong becomes a blur to the whole situation. Outcomes are unpredictable, and the only gamble is making a decision.
Excuses. Lots and lots of them. That's what I've been giving for quite some time now. Time to step up? Maybe. Some argue that there is appreciation, just that it's difficult to show. We're all human - no matter how much of the situation that we understand, we need a certain amount to be shown to us.
How do you feel happy when you're not getting what you want?
It's the recognition; the acknowledgment; the appreciation. You may get all the respect and recognition from all your peers, but if it doesn't come from the one person you need most - then how can you feel content?
How do you be yourself?
You could have all the money in the world. All the material pleasures in life, all the success and promise. But so long as you don't get what you so desire - and maybe, deserve - you will never be happy. You will never be satisfied with yourself.
In the eyes of others, your deeds could be more than what anyone could ask of you. Maybe.
But you'll always feel you never did enough.
At the end of the day... you are nothing but a "somebody".
Somebody's son.
Somebody's brother.
Somebody's friend.
Somebody's confidant.
Somebody's lover.
Maybe one day we'll get the appreciation we need. And when that happens, we'll no longer be "somebodies". We'll be ourselves.
Just ourselves.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 7:50 PM