Forsaking The Fireplace.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I've snow on my shoulders, and the stars shine on my back. I've left the room, and I can no longer feel the warmth of the fireplace. The door is locked, and I've thrown the key away.
It's been half a year since then. Half a year since I decided I was tired of the walls around me, half a year since I realised the couch I sat on was no longer comfortable.
And now I've got the stars on my back. I turn away to find the town bathing in the moonlight.
It's a beautiful sight. Warmer climate is just over the horizon.
There's laughter behind me. All too familiar. But tonight... tonight I know I'm never turning back.
I like where I am - even if I am strolling on without everyone else.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 9:36 PM