

I am trying very hard to find the words to express how pissed I am with a lot of things right now. This post is probably going to be filled with a lot of things people wouldn't like to read, so if you want to keep that smile on your face - get off and on to another fucking page.

I am just pissed. Plain and simple. Why? Fuck you, I'm not going to give you my reasons here. It's a lucky thing that I'm stuck here at home, because I swear if I were out, I'd have my fist in someone's face.

I am so angry I'm shaking all over the place. I am not happy with what I see, I am damn well not happy with what I hear, and fuck you if you think I could very well ignore everything that's wrong in the first place. Fuck you.

The only reason I'm even on this fucked up page is because I feel blogging might help me calm down a little. Might help - safe to say we'll have to wait a couple of hours before any effect might show.

I want to bruise someone right now. I want to grab someone's arm, twist it and hear them scream their fucking nuts off as their bones break. I want to swing my fist into someone's face, and Godfuckingdamnit I want to see their teeth fall out. I want to make someone bleed, or fucking bleed myself dry trying. The only thing that's keeping me inside is the fact that I've got no fucking car, and for that some bloody bastard out there better be thankful for.

Fuck you. Honestly, fuck you. Just... Fuck you.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 11:06 PM  

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