
Fart Bubbles.

What? I like the title.


Stop giving me that look.

Anyhoo. Weng Chi is in Australia. Aaaaaaaargh! It's rather dull without the Smoking Panda around.
My brother is one of the biggest idiots on Earth.
Our conversation as we were on the way home last night:

Me: *mumble mumble*
Him: Oi. Ayman's accent reminds me of one of my friends. Henry (I think this was the name. Wasn't paying much attention anyway.)
Me: Who?
: Henry (Again, assumptions about the name. Whee?) la. You've met him before.
Me: Doesn't ring a bell.
Him: The chinese guy. Mata sepet sepet.
Me: ... 99% of chinese people have mata sepet sepet.
Him: ....
Me: ....

... As I used to tell Charlene: "Stupid means stupid." Talk about being descriptive eh?

Transformers (the movie) is out. Friends are talking about watching it next week. Me? Meeeeeehhhh. Not really in the mood for it. I've got the feeling that the movie is gonna disappoint me. Tremendously.

I want to believe it's gonna be good...
I really want to look forward to it....


Till next time.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 10:22 AM  

1 comment(s):

Danial Dewind said... July 3, 2007 at 8:01 PM me an idiot la now?

제기랄 이놈아!

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