
Cornering on gravel.

I am excited to inform everyone that I'm playing WRC 4 for the PS2 xD
It's an old game, but the technicality and challenge of the game makes it worth playing.

Games like Need For Speed and Gran Tourismo have never really appealed to me, strictly due to the fact that more often than not, players play to obtain more cars... and from there, race them on the same tracks over and over again.
Now, WRC 4 is pretty much the same, with one exception: you may play a single track a hundred times, but the result and your control of the car/track will never be the same. This is the one aspect I love most about WRC: the unpredictability. With games like NFS and GT, once you've played a track 3 or 4 times, you're pretty much set. It's always the same: the way the corners are taken, the position of your car on a long straight, the right speed. I say: BORING.

Seriously speaking, if you want a racing game that requires a good measure of skill, and gives you a new experience to tackle everytime you load a map/track, then the WRC series games are for you.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue driving my Skoda Fabia over that gravel laden terrain.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 11:15 PM  

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