Land Barons.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I like the sound of that.
De Wind or Dewind?
Originally De Wind - mis-documentation over the years caused the name to "evolve" to Dewind. Because there was a lack of initiative to change it back, and because it seemed rather... unique, the name stayed.
For the past two years or so, my uncle has been working with a De Wind from America in tracing down the family line. After much research, they've finally made a breakthrough in connecting the De Winds all over the world.
After digging through the history of the De Winds in Malaysia, my uncle found out that our family line were prominent people in Melaka. We were, as this post's title is: Land Barons.
During the Dutch occupation in Melaka, the state was divided into four sections. And I was surprised to learn that the De Winds owned one section. In other words, a quarter of Melaka.
Now, I knew that my ancestors were highly ranked among the Dutch, but to have been the ones who ruled over a quarter of Melaka is something bigger than I expected.
The De Winds lost their part of Melaka when the British colonized the state, but were promised that the land would go back into their hands as soon as the British ceased ruling. However, when the British gave up their rule, the De Winds were told that the land matter was something that needed to be pursued with the Malayan government, as the British no longer had power over it.
The Brits screwed the De Winds over. Ha ha.
But anyway. The De Winds from America (there are only 2 remaining De Wind families there, both of which migrated from Malaya after the British occupation) have gone so far as to settle this in court with the Malaysian government. Of course, we all know well enough that the Malaysian government won't give the land back, so in all fairness there should be compensation on behalf of the De Winds, yes? Yes.
The Malaysian government agreed to compensating the De Winds, as all the appropriate documents stating the rightful owners of the land are in place. However, they've only agreed to paying the De Winds the value of the land during the De Winds' occupation there - priced at 5,000 USD during the year 1820.
Lawyers are still trying to work things out. The land is worth tens of millions as of now. And my immediate family has a large share of it. Imagine, if the Malaysian government were to pay us our due... My family would be millionaires :D
Edit: Correction. The land is worth billions.
But it's all just a distant dream for now. It's good to know though, that I come from a family which held so much power before. Gives more meaning to why I have so much pride in the name De Wind.
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 10:20 PM
LOL just don't forget to give me a damn ferari kthx.