
Boxes And A Little Bit Of Imagination.

Boxes are awesome.


Especially those big empty fridge boxes. Ever played in one as a child? Crap... whenever the family bought something new and it had a huge box to go with it, my brothers and I would play with the damn boxes for days (sometimes weeks) on end. No, I am not kidding you.

It was fun!

What I wouldn't give to be half my size... so I can play in boxes again.



My brothers and I are still pretty much children. We take our toy guns and run around the house pretending to be ridiculously-loud super spies every once in a while.
We wrestle with one another in the hall and pretend to have superhuman powers (I often call myself Plague! I emit an aura that makes everything around me lose it's life force). We take our nerdy card games and play against one another constantly.
We often create up new characters and let our imaginations run wild with movie ideas and game ideas.

I'm too much of a kid to be twenty-two.

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 2:22 PM  

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