Remember remember, the... 20-something of September... I think.
Friday, September 21, 2007
I am bored out of my mind. In fact - so bored, that I decided to draw myself on Paint and caption the image with the word b---
You know what? I'll let the image speak for itself.Damn. I know, I'm amazingly awesome.
Don't know why, but after visiting a blog belonging to one of Aliff's friends, I decided to click on a link she had there - Random Juice. Haha! Yes, that blog that Aliff, Collin and myself set out to create and discuss different issues relating to today's youth. Reading through the posts, I couldn't help but think...
... That blog couldn't be more dead. In fact... No wait, nevermind. I don't have any witty lines to add to that (damnit).
Quite depressing to see =___=" (eventhough I took myself off that blog almost immediately after I deleted my previous blog).
And now for a sudden change in topic.
The fasting month hasn't been kind to me so far. My sleeping pattern is completely off - sleeping at the usual time, but waking up far later. Shit. Nowadays I get up from sleep around 8 or 9am. That's late for my standards (considering I'm almost always up by 530am). There's a good side to it though - I don't get the usual 3 - 4 hour sleep as before. Now I have about 6-7 hours sleep daily. Woohoo! Bad thing is, I wake up with an ache in my neck. Gah! Remind me to get myself some new pillows, will you?
I was going to add more to this post, but then I realized I forgot what it is I wanted to add. My memory sucks. Seriously. Going downhill with each passing day T.T
On a related note...
... OK maybe it wasn't really related. By I just had to.
And some moment after that pic, I can tell what three girls thought:
Charlene: Ooohh rawr.... (Sigh. Charlene Charlene... I couldn't help myself xD)
Kimberley: ... Sick pervert. (If you can call me a pervert, it means you understood what the image was trying to imply! Esh esh esh.)
Gillian: ... Huh? (Blur case. But good la, not dirty minded. Haha >.>)
Adam Dewind, signing out!
Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 11:46 PM