
"Hello? There's a..."

"... bomb on campus."

HAHAHAHAHAHA. OhmyTuhan. That's what I heard from Yip and Amir. There was a bomb scare in college. Talk about hilarious.
Apparently, students had to be evacuated out of college. That's as far as I know.

Why is this funny? Below, I list the Reasons You Should've Just Went On With Your Day.

Reason Numero Uno!: Who the hell wants to bomb HELP? Osama? Those guys involved with the Bali Bombing? Taylor's College?? ROFL.

Reason Numero Dos!: If someone wanted to bomb HELP so much, why would they call you and tell you that there was a bomb there? And in case any idiots are wondering, if it might've been a concerned citizen... well here's the truth: MALAYSIA WHERE GOT CONCERNED CITIZEN?? Idiots.

Reason Numero Tres!: Who says the Malaysian bomb squad is any good? They'd walk in, then come out with a "No bomb no bomb" remark, then hide their faces two minutes later when the whole college goes up in flames.

Hahaha. Daaaaamn.

Unless the supposed bomb was....
... a floppy disk bomb. Like the ones I taught readers to make in my old blog.

O_O Oh noez.

When I first heard about this, the first thing that came to mind was... Fidi.
Here's the scenario I was inspired with:-

Fidi runs down the corridor, his body drenched in sweat, his eyes filled with a sense of urgency that many would find hard to describe. As he ran down, he screamed at the top of his lungs, warning everyone within earshot...

"Bomb! Bomb!!!", he cried, stopping once to catch his breath, "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMBBB!!!!!"

Rushing forth wildly, he bumped hard into Gillian, a friend of his. She caught her breath, "What's wrong with you Fidi??"

He paused for a moment. Stuttering, he placed his hands on her shoulders, "Gillian, got no time... no time! Do it now Gill, do it now!!!"

She looked on with confused eyes, "Do what??"

"Call your parents!! Tell them you love them!!! BOMB!!!! We're all gonna die!!! ALL GONNA DIEEE!!!! Tell your mommy and your daddy and your auntie and your uncle and your great great grand daughter that you love them!!! TELL THEM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs, for one last time... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOMB!!!!!"
Then he turned to Gillian, "Eh, is that a lollipop? Can I have one?", then skipped off to the DSA with a smile on his face.


Fidi... you're such an ass, you know that?

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 10:24 PM  

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