
This is just a feeling.

Have you ever felt like you've spent too much time with some people?
Have you ever felt like it was time you took some time off from seeing them?

I have. In fact, I'm feeling it now.
Someone told me during the wee morning hours of Saturday that it's alright to feel that way.
Because it's true.

Absence makes the heart grow fond.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
I've got to draw a line somewhere between the two. Then maybe it'll make things better.
Someone else asked me why I wanted to do this. She went through it, and now she says she's lost her good friends.
I can understand why, to a certain extent. If I decide to take this break - will the people who I used to be with accept me when I come back from the break? Will things be the same as I had left them? Or will I just come back to them, only to be further apart?

Hmm. I don't know. All in all, it's a risk. Should I? Never been much of a risk taker.
Weng Chi used to tell me that life is a huge gamble. I guess it's time I placed a bet or two.

Here goes nothing.

"Have faith in them, and they shall never fail you."
- Annonymous -

Given a certain level of thought byAdam Dewind at 1:51 AM  

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